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Cyber Security A Priority For All Businesses In 2024


Cyber-attacks are growing in number and sophistication, making security a priority for all businesses in 2024. The cost of a cyber-attack can be huge, with an average breach amounting to $4.45 million – a 15% increase over the last three years, according to an IBM and Ponemon Institute report. The cost for organisations operating in the healthcare industry and finance is even higher, at $10.93 million and $5.9 million respectively.

IBM and the Ponemon Institute found that 51% of organisations are planning to increase security investments as a result of a breach, including incident response planning and testing, employee training, and threat detection and response tools.

Many cyber-attacks are the result of human error, with employees mistakenly clicking on links contained in phishing emails or downloading malware inadvertently. Verizon’s 2023 Data Breach Investigations Report found that the human element is the common attack vector, causing of 74% of all data breaches.

This is set against a backdrop of a growing skills shortage in cyber security, with 4 million people still needed globally to fill the gap, according to ISC2. This is made worse by the fact that 71% of organisations have unfilled cybersecurity positions, according to ISACA.


The 2024 Cyber Security Conference event is a comprehensive virtual and in person cyber security conference, designed to address the critical challenges and opportunities in the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity.

Cyber Security Conference remains at the forefront of cybersecurity as we convene the world’s leading experts, including government officials, industry leaders, and top digital cyber security firms. With a focus on current knowledge, networking opportunities, and collaborative innovation. A must-attend event for seasoned professionals, business leaders, and academic researchers alike.

Our conference promises to deliver invaluable insights and actionable strategies to navigate the digital age and fortify your digital landscape. By attending, you’ll gain access to exclusive sessions that offer unique perspectives not found at any other data and online security conference.

Whether you’re a seasoned cybersecurity professional, a business leader, or an academic researcher, this event promises to provide invaluable insights and actionable strategies to secure the future in the digital age.

The Cyber Security Conference will help you keep up to date and one step ahead in the digital space as it is the only conference to disseminate insightful sessions that is not available at any other data and online security conference.

From personal to business to national cyber security, board-level perspectives on cyber security, cyber security threats such as artificial intelligence, deep fakes, and the constant evolving threats like phishing and ransomware. The event aims to foster a deep understanding of cybersecurity from technical, strategic, and human perspectives.

As cyber adversaries evolve, so does our dedication to keeping your digital assets secure. Fortifying your digital landscape against relentless tides of cyber threats is crucial to businesses. Some examples of critical cyber threats we will be covering during the event are:


This presentation talks about Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM), a proactive approach to cybersecurity that emphasizes real-time monitoring, threat intelligence integration, risk assessment, and remediation. We will compare traditional threat assessments and the necessity for a more continuous model. Highlighting Edgescan’s role, we’ll show how it enhances CTEM principles by providing comprehensive tools for identifying, assessing, and mitigating vulnerabilities in as close to real-time as possible. Attendees will gain insights into integrating Edgescan into their CTEM strategy, improving visibility, threat intelligence, and risk mitigation to enhance organizational resilience against cyber threats.

In a digital era where cybersecurity threats constantly evolve, understanding the human element behind these threats is crucial. “The Human Factor: The Importance of Cybersecurity and You” is an insightful session dedicated to unravelling the challenges posed by social engineering – a tactic that exploits the one vulnerability that cannot be patched: human psychology.This session will dissect the anatomy of social engineering attacks, illuminating how hackers manipulate trust and exploit human weaknesses to breach organisations. Drawing upon the latest KnowBe4 Phishing Benchmark Report, we will navigate through a detailed analysis of phishing statistics, trends, and tactics segmented by industry, providing attendees a clear picture of the current threat landscape.We will outline actionable tips that you can implement to mitigate risks and foster a security-aware culture within your organisation. The focus will be on practical measures such as robust training programs, simulated phishing exercises, and the establishment of clear and concise communication channels for reporting suspicious activity.

Cyber threats are evolving rapidly, and cyber-crime against organisations is massively on the rise, posing significant risks to organisations worldwide. In the UK alone, 7.78 million cyber-attacks were conducted on UK businesses in the first half of 2024 alone, with 50% of UK businesses experiencing a cyber-attack. Despite this, only 31% of UK businesses undertook a cyber risk assessment this year, and the average cost of a cyber-attack to a UK business is £3230*.

A critical gap in understanding and awareness of these threats at the board level still exists, so how do we communicate the risks to boards in an insightful and meaningful way that incites action against the growing cyber threat?

Key Takeaways:
• A brief overview of the current cyber threat landscape – why should boards care about cyber security?
• Understanding the cyber security gap that boards today face.
• Getting the board on board with cyber security – strategies for board engagement.
• How to build a cyber resilient organisation and foster a proactive approach to cyber security.
* stats from Action Fraud.

Please take this time to visit our sponsor and take advantage of the great prizes on offer and remember the more interation within the virtual booths will help in building your points up to get lunch on us!

The need for cybersecurity is ever increasing as the threat landscape grows, but delivering effective cybersecurity has become challenging in a world of fragmented networks, numerous point solutions, and growing complexity. Through network and security convergence, via platform approaches like SASE, and through vendor consolidation, you can start to combat complexity and deliver consistent and effective cybersecurity across your environment.

Discover the latest trends of the ever-changing threat landscape, causes of cyber attacks, the costs incurred and how organisations can take proactive steps to protect themselves from cybercrime.


In today’s interconnected world, the safety of our digital assets is more crucial than ever. In this webinar, we’ll dive into three pivotal components that make up the backbone of modern cybersecurity: ethical hacking, cloud security, and education.

You’ll discover how:

Ethical hackers are the unsung heroes who safeguard organisations by finding vulnerabilities before the bad actors do—and that ethical hacking is not about breaking systems but strengthening them.

The convenience the cloud offers can be a double-edged sword. Explore how lapses in cloud security can lead to disastrous outcomes, affecting everything from individual privacy to national security.

Education, both formal and hands-on training, impacts cybersecurity. For tech enthusiasts, we’ll focus on the latest cybersecurity courses and certifications and basic-yet-effective security hygiene for the non-tech crowd.

Radical Resilience Against Ransomware
Reduce risk and accelerate ransomware recovery with zero data loss
Relentless security
Reduce your attack surface
Recover from anywhere, to anywhere

Let’s be honest: people can frustrate us. They don’t always do the things we’d like, and they often do some things we’d rather they didn’t. New research from the National Cybersecurity Alliance reveals insights about the public’s attitudes and beliefs about security.  We’ll explore the 2023 “Oh Behave! Cybersecurity Attitudes and Behaviors Report,” and some of the findings may surprise you! We’ll also give you practical, actionable advice on how you can better communicate to influence the behavior change you want to see.

Overview coming soon

Let’s be honest: people can frustrate us. They don’t always do the things we’d like, and they often do some things we’d rather they didn’t. New research from the National Cybersecurity Alliance reveals insights about the public’s attitudes and beliefs about security.  We’ll explore the 2023 “Oh Behave! Cybersecurity Attitudes and Behaviors Report,” and some of the findings may surprise you! We’ll also give you practical, actionable advice on how you can better communicate to influence the behavior change you want to see.

In a thrilling, ever-evolving world catapulting towards a future dominated by cybernetic marvels and artificial intelligence, the burning question ignites: How do we decipher the elusive concept of ‘secure enough’? Amidst this digital storm, organizations guard their fate, fortifying defenses against novel threats lurking in the AI landscape. As the ongoing struggle between innovation and security intensifies, the necessity to adapt, innovate, and fortify becomes increasingly urgent, influencing the fate of nations and the very structure of society. This is NOT a talk about AI.

The Application Security landscape is constantly evolving. AI has become a major disruptor, both for development and security teams. Meanwhile, software supply chains continue to grow in complexity.Questions arise such as: Is AI-generated code truly safe? And how do we control the increasing complexity of software supply chains and huge growth in Open-Source Security?Join Matthew Brady, as he dives into the latest findings from the 2024 “Open-Source Security and Risk Analysis Report” and 2023 “Software Vulnerability Snapshot”. From analysing vulnerability trends over the last three years to exploring the risks of third-party software libraries and AI-generated code; Matthew will walk you through the changing landscape of application risks. As well as, exploring best practices employed by leading software security programs to manage these AppSec risks.Key Takeaways:• Gain valuable insight into vulnerability trends, compared to the OWASP Top 10 List• Discover the risks from third-party software libraries• Explore the challenges related to AI-generated code• Uncover best practices to manage Application Security risk

  • This will be a live session not to be missed and please also remember to send over your questions during the session so Sarah can ask them LIVE



Supply Chain Attacks And Generative AI Risk

It comes at a time when supply chain attacks increasingly offer attackers a route into businesses. Supply chain breaches affect businesses of all sizes, with 45% of firms expected to become a victim of this type of attack by 2025, according to analyst Gartner.

Take the example of the MOVEit vulnerability from 2023, the SolarWinds breach, or the infamous Log4j issue that still plagues firms today.

New technology also poses a growing risk. Generative AI can offer an efficiency boost and even improve security, but the technology is also offering opportunity for attack.

According to a McKinsey Global Survey on AI, 40% of organisations plan to increase their overall AI investment because of advancements in gen AI. Yet few companies seem fully prepared for the widespread use of gen AI — or the business risks these tools may bring: 53% of firms acknowledge cyber security as a gen AI-related risk, but only 38% are working to mitigate this.

Our Cyber Security Europe Virtual Event is Industry Leading

The Future of Cyber Security Europe 2024 Virtual Event will offer executives the opportunity to hear about best practice approaches to the new regulation in terms of technology and strategy. We will examine the technology that poses risks to business, offering steps you need to boost security.

The event is exclusive, invite-only cyber security conference for senior professionals so will be a closed-door, invite-only conference and expedition featuring hand-picked senior executives from major firms.

The event is aimed at board level executives and senior IT decision-makers from government and industries including critical infrastructure, retail, healthcare and financial services.

The Future of Cyber Security Europe 2024 Virtual Event aims to help businesses to stay one step ahead of cyber attackers through a number of insightful sessions not available at any other cyber security conference.

Providing essential intelligence that enables senior personnel to stay one step ahead of cyber criminals as the attack surface expands. Covering cyber security, skills and supply chain attacks in the morning and topics including IoT, ransomware and AI in the afternoon.
The conference covers today’s cyber security trends and threats across Europe – as well as those of the future – equipping delegates with the tools and technology needed to cope in an increasingly complex landscape.

It follows the huge success of our previous virtual events. This one-day exclusive conference brings senior decision-makers face to face with leading cyber security specialists. Covering the strategic needs of all enterprises, providing delegates with a unique opportunity to learn from thought leaders in the field and gain hands-on experience with the latest technology.

The Future of Cyber Security Europe Virtual Event 2024 Offers a Unique Programme

The Future of Cyber Security Europe Virtual Event 2024 features a unique programme that allows delegates to choose the topics that interest them most.

There will be an increased opportunity to network with CISOs and senior board level colleagues. Meanwhile, sessions will deliver top level intelligence briefings on cyber security – featuring new technologies and trends and looking at the impact of regulation and government strategy.

Sessions will be structured in a practical way to encourage delegates to enhance the cyber security strategies of their organisations.
Learn key up to date strategic information on the hottest topics in cyber security, including ransomware and the insider threat, delivered by major organisations that are the leading edge of development in these fields.

Our Cyber Security Specialists Offer Unrivalled Opportunities

The associated Future of Cyber Security Europe exhibition provides suppliers in this field with an unrivalled platform to showcase their products and services. 

The exhibition benefits from a high volume of visitors throughout the day, with the targeted nature of the conference drawing a national audience of senior decision-makers. 

Contact us if you would like to register as an exhibitor at the Cyber Security Europe Virtual Event.

As always, we extend a very warm welcome to all our colleagues who share a commitment to improving data security.

Learn more about The Future of Cyber Security Europe Virtual Event 2024 or register as a delegate.

An Online Cyber Security Event Like No Other

In early 2020, Cyber News Group bought the UK and Ireland rights to an events platform like no other, Engagez, which offers the feeling of a real-world conference via a unique-in-the-market 3D immersive experience.

With impressive virtual venues built in 3D, our online cyber security conferences host up to 600 delegates. Immersive and engaging, it’s possible to perform video calls inside the platform for one-to-one chats with other delegates without the need to export to Zoom or Teams.

Join us for the Future of Cyber Security virtual event, via an immersive platform to provide the best conference experience in the market.

An Online Cyber Security Event Like No Other

In early 2020, Cyber News Group bought the UK and Ireland rights to an events platform like no other, Engagez, which offers the feeling of a real-world conference via a unique-in-the-market 3D immersive experience.

With impressive virtual venues built in 3D, our online cyber security conferences host up to 600 delegates. Immersive and engaging, it’s possible to perform video calls inside the platform for one-to-one chats with other delegates without the need to export to Zoom or Teams.

Join us for the Future of Cyber Security virtual event, via an immersive platform to provide the best conference experience in the market.